

Bringing a deep understanding of HOA matters makes all the difference when creating a recipe for success in 肥厚性骨关节病变与肺部转移管理. 这需要有效沟通的正确组合, 咨询支持, 并致力于每个社区的长期目标. 

Here are three services successful 肥厚性骨关节病变与肺部转移管理 companies provide so your community prospers.

1. 管理服务

监督HOA所涉及的管理任务列表可能令人望而生畏. 在寻找协会管理公司时, 你必须确保他们有能力帮助董事会履行这些职责. A competent 协会管理 company will align with your HOA’s bylaws and vision for the community on day one while regularly surveying residents to ensure they’re meeting their needs (and yours!). 

Here is an extensive list of administrative tasks you can expect to be handled by a solid 协会管理 company: 

  • 安排、安排和参加董事会会议.

  • 准备董事会会议议程、会议记录和管理/行政报告.

  • 维护HOA的文件/记录.

  • 在线发布会议纪要、公告、通知和时事通讯.

  • 为业主和房屋协会董事会成员提供一个网站.

  • 在同一个工作日内回电话,在2小时内回复邮件.

  • Provide 24-hour on-call service that always gets you someone live and local to dispatch vendors for emergencies.

  • 处理和协调保修请求.

  • 进行现场视察(视察频率由房委会委员会决定).

  • 执行规管文件, 包括《世界十大博彩公司》, 通过与房主的通信.

  • 通过我们的房主门户处理架构修改请求.

  • Coordinate with legal counsel to enforce restrictions and collect assessment delinquencies.

  • 向居民提供关于如何付款的欢迎包, 联系世界十大博彩公司公司, 提供房主的联系信息, 建立一个房主门户网站.   

  • Review and recommend changes to HOA documents (we recommend associations consult an attorney before making changes).

2. 金融服务

Financial services are another factor to consider when hiring an association management company. 从准备定期财务报表到制定年度预算, finding a management company with years of experience with HOA community finances is critical. 

Here is the kind of financial oversight services you can expect from an 协会管理 company: 

  • 一个完整的会计团队来处理HOA的财务.

  • HOA financial statements are prepared digitally and reviewed by an in-house consultant.

  • 每月财务报告,包括应付账款和拖欠报告.

  • 向HOA董事会提交运营和储备预算.

  • 制作年度财务报表并提交年度纳税申报表.

  • 通过锁箱手动处理季度和年度评估收款, 上述存款, 还有信用卡. 

  • 协会账户每月不收取银行手续费.

  • 每月核对所有银行账户.

  • 监督对拖欠和逾期账目的催收.

3. 持续维护 

The third service all successful 协会管理 companies provide will be ongoing maintenance. The primary responsibility of an association management company is to positively contribute to optimizing property values for its homeowners. 

The community manager provides a “boots-on-the-ground” presence on behalf of the board while ensuring the community’s common areas are maintained properly. 以下是通常由关联管理器提供的附加服务:

  • Conduct regular inspections of the property to make sure common areas are in good working order 

  • 确保会员遵守协会的规章制度. 

  • Handle day-to-day communications and coordination with vendors for standard maintenance contracts and special one-off projects. 

  • Oversee specific low-expenditure projects on the HOA board’s behalf (in place of requiring approval from the board for every small task). 这可以包括一些小项目, 比如修理坏了的洒水喷头, 更换照明, 或者在公共场所监督简单的管道维修. 

  • Provide a real-time balance sheet of expenses at board meetings and/or upon specific request from the board. 

NOTE: Not every association will choose to grant this responsibility to their community manager. 归根结底,这取决于每个董事会的裁量权.


谁不喜欢丰厚的奖金,对吧? The final thing to always look for when hiring an 协会管理 company is the quality of their management compared to the overall cost. 

在Evernest, our clients can access most of our administrative and financial management services for a low per-door rate. We also perform additional non-routine services based on your community’s wants and needs. 

Here are a few examples of non-routine services 协会管理 companies (like Evernest) provide:

  • Processing requests include additional collection services such as special assessments and notice mailings.

  • 出席特别委员会会议.

  • Collections litigation: any legal actions taken against or on behalf of your association, 包括需要你的管理公司参与的收款工作.

  • 维修和保养服务电话. 

  • After-hour services: emergency or non-emergency calls that require more than one hour to resolve.


Selecting the right association management team for your community is the most important decision affecting the success of your investment. The right management maximizes your residents’ quality of life and minimizes your regulator. 

在Evernest, we help homeowner and condo communities maximize investment and residents’ quality of life while minimizing regulatory and operational costs. 而且我们每个月的收费都很合理. 世界十大博彩公司 and see why dozens of communities trust us to deliver proactive management that leads to better value and happier residents.

Source: This content was originally written and published for Evernest at Evernest.co
